A good friend was wondering about chopped ham. Some times I wonder what it says about someone what tipe of ham they like. If some one likes processed hams I wonder "does this person like processed people?" If they like smooth hams I think "do they enjoy ham jobs" And if they like glazed I may think "I think this person lies about ham.".
This bitch was so fucking fat I couldent even fucking look at her. I literaly had to fucking look the other way because she was so fat I was fucking fat in my eyes. I had to fuck her while looking at some other fucking bitch.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
First off you can't even touch this style It is so clean and a cobra hat. Also this guy eats way more ham than you can think of but in a diferent sort of way because he is a muslim.
This ham is smothered in butter and a perfect feild hockey sensibility. Why does the world(god) feel the need to punish us with such deligtful comestibles. Pee.
This was a ham that was waving hello. It was a nice old lady sort of ham. I'm sure if I had stopped to talk it would have gotten around to asking me over for some ham.
You would have to be a bit queer to not be like ""POW?' sure that sounds great let me tune my fork and pipes." or "Snap thats a mighty fine trumpet (code word for ham)."
This isnt actualy a ham. Its a dream I once had about ham. This was what was hapening right before the spiders hatched and the Norwegians mistook them all for forks
This is some ham I found in Kentucky. It was glazed lightly with what I suspect was a mixture of maple syrup and molassas. It was served with sour cherrys and sliced thinly on a biscuit.